Изобретение В.Д.Рагеля
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The method analysis in English: "Voldemar Ragelja's Method - restoration of integrity of a human body".
            Lecture-theses № 1 


« Voldemar Ragel Method – restoration

of the integrity of human organism».


1. Introduction.

2. Clinical tests.

3. The essence of a method.

4. The illnesses cured by a method of V.D.Ragel.

5. The patients restored by method V.D. Ragel.

6. A technical part: an apparatus - device for

restoration of integrity of a human organism.

7. Publications and international recognition of a method

V.D.Ragel (at an exhibition of inventions « Аrchimede-2002 »



Dear Sirs,

I am introducing to you an information about «the method of restoration of an electric charge in a cell of human body » developed by me.

The idea of restoration of an electric charge in a human body’s cell was in the air for a long time, about fifty years ago, when being seriously engaged in sports (weightlifting), I had traumas as many sportsmen, and studied in the Lesgaft Institute of physical culture. I’ve got no real help from doctors that tried to cure my traumas and this has practically led to physical inability at age of thirty.

Not having reconciled to own illnesses and feebleness of doctors, I began to study traditional and oriental medicine. I studied Chinese technique dealing with biologically active points, applied on myself, with use of an electric current. Not having felt positive result I rejected all official medical recommendations, Chinese techniques, recommended techniques of the electric current influence on biologically active points. I have left only one option – impact of electric current performed on my own body. There was nothing to lose, as my health condition worsened. There was nothing else to do, and I decided – parting on the principle « if you want to do something good do it yourself” or “to take it or to leave it». Applying an electric current, attentively listened to the condition of my own health. I changed officially recommended characteristics of an electric current (power, tension), arrangement of electrodes, and refused influencing on officially recommended pattern of biologically active points.

Empirically, relying on my own intuition began "to probe" painful zones of the organism. Gradually began to feel relief, pains to decrease, the sleep to improve, has felt, that there is a restoration of an organism, illnesses were leaving. Step by step restored the organism, continuing to improve characteristics of a constant electric current: tension, power of a current, arrangement and the form of electrodes, time characteristics - duration of influence of a current on an organism, varied intervals between sessions, formed technical and methodical parts of a method. To improve the newly developed approach and to be convinced of its utility, to reveal the possible negative side-effects (whether the method is not injurious to health?) it took the whole 17 years! By skilful use of a method no harm was observed, and advantage was huge. After the first success as I restored my own health, I has started to heal friends and gradually - the friends of my former clients to whom I have successfully helped. For this time through my hands has passed about thousand persons, basically with pains of in the backbone and joints. Time has come to promulgate my method and to receive the Patent.


Clinical control tests.

Having collected the accumulated practical experience, statistical data, I have decided to issue the application for the invention. For this purpose has addressed in Central administrative board of Public health services of city of Leningrad.

Having come in committee of Public health services of City of Leningrad, I was naive, believing that its employees having the higher medical education will become interested in my invention. In fact, during almost for twenty years the big positive experience, statistics of results of restoration of volunteers has been collected, was really stunning. I’ve been very much surprised when officials have met me unfriendly. Not entering into essence, they stated one claim after another:

- How do you dared to invent something, not having medical formation?

- How do you dared to treat yourselves and – horror! - other people?!

- As a last resort, it was necessary to carry out tests on cats or dogs!

- That you have successfully cured yourself has no value! And in general this couldn’t happen!

I was persevering, demanded to control the results of recovery of patients by my method, as, where I would not work with the invention (yet not gaining an official recognition), everywhere were good results, especially with patients which official medicine couldn’t help anymore. Discouraged employee of Gorzdrav (city healthecare administration) speaks to me – « you tell that you are restoring vessels? » I many years suffer of obliterating endarteritis of the legs. I am treated by chief anghio surgeon of the city of Leningrad, twice Winner of the State premium of the USSR, doctor of medical sciences, professor Lev Valerievich Lebedev, but unsuccessfully, amputation is pending.

After survey of a leg, with confidence in success I have suggested it to pass a rate of restoration on my method. Having received the consent, I have restored a leg, have relieved the person of operation, but disbelief still persists!

Have found the patient with the heavy diagnosis: discogenic rump-backbone radiculitis, this patient of 8-th months laid in hospital, to it was suggested one operation after another of a backbone, but the patient was nor giving its consent, asking for conservative treatment only, and to write out the patient it is impossible, as he was motionless.

I have cured it, this already former patient since 1982 lives in St.-Petersburg, claims does not show and does not complain of health, I keep contacting him.



After long " tests for durability " the City committee of Public health services has directed me to the 1-st Academic Pavlov Leningrad medical institute. I have been with my method in the in clinic of vascular surgery 2, at twice Winner of the State premium of the USSR, main anghiosurgeon of the city of Leningrad, the doctor of medical sciences, professor L.V.Lebedev.

The group of patients consisted of 15 persons with diagnosis: obliterating endarteritis and an atherosclerosis of the lower limbs of 3 and 4-th stage. It is the heaviest form of disease of vessels of legs, a result – amputation of limbs. All group consisted of very heavy patients practically dying to whom nobody could help. However these patients have been included in my group, not always satisfactory results as a result were received. For example, patient B., 52, with the amputated legs and hands. Also patient З., 60, with both legs amputated, as a result it has died. Not very heavy patients were all relieved with my method as much as possible, and the majority of the given group have been written out in a satisfactory condition, and without operative intervention send away with the legs saved. In clinic of vascular surgery a method has been checked up, approved and recommended to introduction in a medical practice. It is confirmed by the certificate - conclusion of clinical test of 7/2/1987.

Then the City committee of Public health services has directed me to clinic of nervous illnesses of the same institute under direction of the professor, the doctor of medical sciences (nowadays the academician), the main neuropathologist of city of Leningrad and St.-Petersburg A.A.Skoromets. The group of patients consisted from 15 person, the diagnosis: discogenic rump-backbone radiculitis, to six it is shown operative treatment of a backbone at what some patients as it case records and patients testify, repeatedly passed unsuccessful treatment in the same clinic.

The results of clinical test of a method has proved 92,5 % successful. The success could be 100 %-s'', if not a mistake of doctors at selection of patients in test group (so one patient has been picked up with a tumour of a spinal cord, instead of the diagnosis: discogenic rump-backbone radiculitis, at that time I was not engaged in such heavy diseases). Tests of a method have begun that by way of clinical test accommodation of patients in separate wards was provided. It has not been made. Patients of my group on 1-2 persons have placed in different wards where ware 10-12 patients. With heavy diagnoses, including one patient with an insult. Such "neighborhood" with the heaviest patients should influence negatively on the mood of patients of test group. But the patients aware of effectiveness of my method, because one heavy patient Anatoly Korishine with discogenic rump-backbone radiculitis was transferred from Kirov Military Medical academy to the clinic of vascular surgery where I worked with vascular patients have translated . In Kirov Military Medical Academy the given patient was treated long time, and he wasn’t cured. He was cured with my method.

Extract from the case record: " the remote results of treatment of the patient (Коroshina) the case record 33477.

" The patient has no complaints and is completely able-bodied. Objectively: pulpatory morbidity is absent, movements in a lumbar area of a backbone in full, loading on axes, inclinations, rotational movements does not provoke a pain.

Anamnesis 25.02.88 - considers itself healthy, the pains disturbing more than 5 years, did not return. The conclusion: steady remission after the treatment lead by April, 1987 by V.D.Ragel technique ".

Inspection of the patient has performed and was signed by the candidate of medical sciences L.A.Baturina

On March 3, 1988. the given former patient lives in a Vistino settlement of Leningrad region, in the spring of this year has applied to consider an possibility to recovery of health of its friend. On my question: how does Anatoly feel, in fact has passed 20 years after our meeting, the answer was – fine, many patients have been well informed on this case, therefore patiently and courageously accepted the inconveniences, feeling positive results of their own recovery.

The more effective results was received the more claims arise from some doctors, especially from professor A.A.Skoromets.

Claims such as: a long session, a plenty of sessions, the big current, a sharp needle, procedure it is painful, the patient cannot long lay in one position, for example, face downwards and, at last, the method should be reconsidered. I didn’t accepted remarks and instructions of doctors, as the author and the developer of a method and if has agreed with revision there would be no method.

And the most important, that all these "remarks" were issued not from patients of the given group, but from doctors. In connection with that the author does not have the higher medical education, professor A.A.Skoromets insisted to include in the application of the invention of the person with the higher medical education otherwise " the method will not be approved ". It is assured, that the professor himself wished to appear in the application and to be the co-author. As the proof that has been categorically declared right at the beginning of research serves: " a method will not approve ". The professor’s words has been executed, the method has not been approved.

Despite of these "discrepancies", clinical tests have been finished successfully, with excellent result of 92,5 %. Under case records 14 person from 15 are written out for work, without any further treatment.

Professor A.A.Skoromets could not admit such productivity of a method! In every way, down to falsification tried to distort results of check (see a film shot by film studio Lennauchfilm "DO NOT HARM", has not admitted the approval of a method).

On April, 20th, 1988 took place session of clinical council under direction of the head of a clinic, professor A.A.Skoromets, where results of clinical test of a method were discussed. The results were announced. The decision of clinical counsel stated: « At treatment of patients with discogenic rump-backbone radiculitis the method of V.D.Ragel does not bring anything new, to recommend it for introduction in practice of nervous illnesses is inexpedient ». To note that not a word was uttered about positive results. The intrigues of professor A.A.Skoromets turned all upside down.

It took 4 years of the laborious, intense work, large financial means, efforts of a work collective of the Leningrad Research-and-production Association «Krasnaya Zarya » (the electrotechnical industry), which undertook responsible task outside the company’s profile - the organization of efficiency check up of a method. I was invited to work in a production association " Krasnaya Zarya", where under my direction we set up a “Healthcare Center” to cure the patients of the enterprise by my technique.

At the Karl Marx city hospital #4 it was organized the medical commission composed of 15 doctors of various specializations under direction of head physician A.A.Redko with the purpose of check the efficiency of a method. The management of Association " Krasnaya Zarya " has allocated 100000 roubles by the price of 1989 when cost of an automobile motor vehicle made 4 - 4,5 thousand rubles for payment to members of the medical commission.

The medical commission during the year has checked up 84 persons from Association «Krasnaya Zarya» treated on my method, has come to conclusion from December, 20th, 1990, that efficiency of treatment has made 90,5 %, and with no undesirable consequences.

In plans of a production association «Krasnaya Zarya» has been stipulated to create medical " the Center of Health " to treat the workers of Krasnaya Zarya» assotiation with throughput 250-300 persons a day. But …the perestroika (and all well known ensuing political and social turmoil) has crossed out all plans.

The faculty of nervous diseases has taken part in the efficiency checkup of the Method under direction of the doctor of medical sciences, professor P.G.Lekar of the Leningrad Mechnikov Sanitary-and-hygienic medical institute. The decision of neuropathologists dated of April, 20th, 1988 – was POSITIVE.



Method is recognized by the International community:


by the Decision of International Jury " АRCHIMEDE--2002 " (Moscow)

the inventor of V. D.Ragel is awarded the Diploma and Gold Medal for development of the " Method of Electrotherapy by V.D.Ragel ".


General conclusions.

1. The method allows to find out decrease or loss of an electric charge

in a cell of the human organism.

2. Restores an electric charge in cells of human organism.

3. Restores integrity of an organism disregarding numerous, medical diagnoses existing in classical medicine.

4. Restores completely the human organism without medicines application.


5. The method is recognized by the International community: for development «of the Method of electrotherapy of V. D. Ragel» the author is awarded diploma and a gold medal at the International exhibition « АRCHIMEDE- 2002 » Moscow 2002.

. 6. The Rospatent of the Russian Federation issued positive decision on « Voldemar Ragel''s Method – restoration of integrity of the human body», application 2006105417/14 (005854) from 10/9/2006

7. V.D.Ragel''s method has no analogue in a world medical practice

on the restoration of human organism.


The author of a method – the developer, brings to the attention of listeners and readers that there is a an invention concerning recovery of health of the man equaling by importance of the discovery of nuclear reaction, or more. The method should serve people, Citizens of Russia: to our children, grandsons, great-grandsons, grandfathers, grandmothers and all of us. First of all I wish that the method becomes property of our Citizens and Russian nation.



Faithfully yours,


V. D. Ragel


on November, 30th, 2007   





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