The method analysis in English: "Voldemar Ragelja's Method - restoration of integrity of a human body" Lecture - theses № 2.
Throughout the years positive references about the Method were issued not only from hundreds recovered patients, but renowned experts of our country and from abroad:
-Academician Behtereva N.P.
-Corresponding member (MANEB) Gvozdetskij O.G.
- Professor, doctor of medical sciences of Vorontsov I.M.,
- Professor, Dr.Sci.Biol. Malenkov A.G. (
- Professor, doctor of medical sciences Lebedev L.V.,
- Professor, doctor of medical sciences Lekar P.G.,
- Professor, doctor of medicine Ottomar Trenz (
- Professor, doctor of medicine Chris Creteck (
- Professor, Dr.Sci.Tech. Alekseev A.G.,
- Leading scientific employee IVS the
- Doctor of Chemistry Kalninsh K.K.
- Professor, candidate of medical sciences of Kamenev J.J.,
- Professor, candidate of medical sciences Pechersky V.I.
- Senior lecturer, candidate of medical sciences of Baturina L.A.,
- Senior lecturer, candidate of medical sciences of Volohovsky N.N.,
- Senior scientist of Scientific research institute of physiology it. Ukhtomsky of St.Petersburg State University, candidate of bio. sciences. Pavlova L.P.
Medical Counsil of Central administrative board of Public health services of Executive committee Lensoveta from March, 28th, 1991 has desided:
On the basis of the conclusions by anghiosurgeon of Public health services of city of Leningrad, chief of faculty #2 of surgical illnesses, the First Pavlov Leningrad medical institute, doctor of medical sciences, twice Winner of the State premium of the USSR, professor L.V.Lebedev, head of faculty of nervous illnesses of the Leningrad Sanitary-and-hygienic Medical institute, the doctor of medical sciences, the professor Lekar P.G. and groups of experts of Karl Marx hospital #4 stated:
To recognize the offered method of electrotherapy of V.D.Ragel useful to use in treatment-and-prophylactic institutions.
Chairman of Medical Counsel, deputy
chief of Central administrative board of Public health services of Executive committee Lensoveta
Secretary of Medical Counsel, inspector-doctor
The decision was directed to
The method is recognized by the International community:
By decision of International Jury " АRCHIMEDE-2002 " (
In what novelty and force of a method?
1. For this method there are no incurable illnesses, except for congenital and diseases in the last phases – at oncology, AIDS.
2. The method restores an electric charge in a cell of the human body.
3. Provides restoration: nervous, vascular, blood generating, endocrine, lymphatic and immune systems.
4. Restoration of an organism occurs without medicines, eliminating the revealed infringements.
5. Provides long remission (return of illnesses) for 20-25 and more years.
Diseases cured by a method:
1. Abscesses: a lung, a brain, a liver, bile ducts, etc.
2. Alcoholism.
3. Allergy of various origins.
4. Аmenorrhea.
5. Angina.
6. Anemia.
7. Arahnoidit.
8. Аrteriit - inflammatory defeat of arteries.
9. An arthritis and аrthrosis of joints.
10. Psoriasis arthropica.
11. Asthma bronchial.
12. Аscit.
13. Atherosclerosis.
14. Infertility (female)
15. Sleeplessness.
16. Illnesses of a thyroid gland.
17. Pains of any origin.
18. Illnesses of a spleen: increase, inflammation, impassability.
19. Illnesses of joints, an inflammation of meniscuses, etc.
20. Bekhterev''s disease.
21. Burgher’s disease.
22. Parkinsnon disease except for last stages.
23. Raynaud’s disease.
24. Bronchitis sharp and chronic.
25. Burcit
26. Vegetovascular dystonia.
28.Ingrown nail.
29. Restoration of intracranial pressure.
30. Restoration of immune system.
31. Maxillitist.
32.Gangrene of the limbs.
33. Gastritis.
34. Gastroenteritis
35. Viral hepatites (Botkin''s disease).
36. Herpes.
37. Hydronephrosis.
39. Dizziness.
40. Headache.
41. Influenza.
42. Scheuermann''s disease.
43. Depression.
44. Dermatitis
45. Dischinesis of bile ducts.
46. Dismenorrhea.
47. Jaundice.
48. Gallstone.
49. Constipation.
50. Heartburn.
51. Impotence.
52. Curvatures of a backbone.
53. Sciatica
54. Cough.
55. Tick-born encephalitis.
56. Climacteric syndrome.
57. Contracture.
58. Coxarthrosis of hipbone joint.
59. Laryngitis.
60. Leukemia not last stage.
61. Radiation sickness not last stage.
62. Lumbago.
63. Mastitis.
64. Meningitis.
65. Migraine.
66. Myelom disease not last stage.
67. Gallstone disease.
68. Disfunction of a metabolism.
69. Neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve.
70. Nephritis.
71. Neurosises.
72. Obstruction of intestines.
73. Sharp and chronic nephritis.
74. Obliterating endeartritis and obliterating atherosclerosis of limbs.
75. Numbness.
76. Surrounding shingles.
77. Sharp and chronic osteomyelitis.
78. Osteoporosis.
79. Оsteoshondrosis.
80. Hypostases of various origins.
81. Otitis.
82. Pancreatitis.
83. Primary pulmonary hypertensia.
84. Pleurisy.
85. Pneumonia.
86. Damages of a backbone.
87. Gout.
88. Posttraumatic conditions.
89. Loss of a voice, knots and polyps on vocal chords.
90. Sweating and a smell of legs.
91. Renal insufficiency sharp and chronic.
92. Prostatitis.
93. Catarrhal diseases.
94. Psoriasis.
95. Radiculitis.
96. Cancer, except for last stages.
97. Multiple sclerosis of early stages.
98. Reumatoidal polyarthritis, except for last stages.
99. Reflux.
100. Erysipelatous inflammation.
101. Diabetes, except for last stages.
102. Syndrome of chronic weariness.
103. Scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis of the backbone.
104. Stenocardia.
105. Spasmes.
106. Tendosinovitis, an inflammation of sinews.
107. Tonzillitis
108. Traumas - any.
109. Tuberculosis.
110. Pharyngitis.
111. Fibroma, myoma of a uterus.
112. Epifolliculitis.
113. Furunculosis.
114. Cholecystitis.
115. Cerebral paralysis.
116. Coeliacs disease.
117. Cirrhosis of a liver.
118. Cystitis.
119. Calcaneal spur.
120. Encephalitis.
121. Epilepsy.
122. Myopathy (dystrophy of muscles).
The above list of diseases can be continued, but in it there is no sense as in a basis of any disease there is decrease or loss of an electric charge in a cell, the conclusion is unequivocal: the METHOD of electrotherapy promotes treatment of many diseases under condition of the timely started treatment while the organism has not lost ability of self-recovery.
Method is recognized by the International community:
by the Decision of International Jury " АRCHIMEDE--2002 " (
the inventor of V. D.Ragel is awarded the Diploma and Gold Medal for development of the " Method of Electrotherapy by V.D.Ragel ".
General conclusions.
1. The method allows to find out decrease or loss of an electric charge
in a cell of the human organism.
2. Restores an electric charge in cells of human organism.
3. Restores integrity of an organism disregarding numerous, medical diagnoses existing in classical medicine.
4. Restores completely the human organism without medicines application.
5. The method is recognized by the International community: for development «of the Method of electrotherapy of V. D. Ragel» the author is awarded diploma and a gold medal at the International exhibition « АRCHIMEDE- 2002 » Moscow 2002.
. 6. The Rospatent of the Russian Federation issued positive decision on « Voldemar Ragel''s Method – restoration of integrity of the human body», application 2006105417/14 (005854) from 10/9/2006
7. V.D.Ragel''s method has no analogue in a world medical practice
on the restoration of human organism.
The author of a method – the developer, brings to the attention of listeners and readers that there is a an invention concerning recovery of health of the man equaling by importance of the discovery of nuclear reaction, or more. The method should serve people, Citizens of Russia: to our children, grandsons, great-grandsons, grandfathers, grandmothers and all of us. First of all I wish that the method becomes property of our Citizens and Russian nation.
Faithfully yours,
V. D. Ragel
on November, 30th, 2007